What We Believe
Core Values
People and organizations have values. You can tell what others value by how they live. So, we have taken our values straight out of God’s Word and do our best to live those out.
Biblical Authority (2 TIM 3:16-17)
We believe that the Scriptures were given not just to inform us about God but to transform us to be like Jesus. The Bible is our final authority on all things, and we believe that it is completely true from cover to cover.
Growing as followers of Jesus (MARK 1:35)
As people get connected to God through faith in Jesus, we believe that God wants everyone to grow in their faith. This is about deepening your personal relationship with God through time with Him in the Bible, prayer and with other believers in groups and worship.
Doing Life together (ACTS 2:40-47)
We believe that God wants us to live connected to each other—not isolated from each other. So, living in biblical community means that we choose to connect with, include, and involve others in our lives. It means that we all have a place to belong.
Every Member a minister (ROM 12:4-8)
We believe that everyone plays a part in God’s redemption story. You and I are not created where we are and when we are by accident. God has gifted each of us for service, which when we live out our giftedness, will bring ultimate fulfillment.
Sharing our faith and making disciples (ACTS 1:8)
We believe that part of our responsibility is to advance God’s Kingdom in the world, starting in Jacksonville and Pulaski County, then to Arkansas and the Southeast, and then to the world. We are called to care for our neighborhoods as well as for the nations.
What We Believe
The faith convictions of our church family and our staff can be found in full in the Baptist Faith and Message of the Southern Baptist Convention with which we are affiliated.
The Southern Baptist Convention is a network of more than fifty thousand cooperating churches and church-type missions banded together to advance the gospel of Christ through education, missions, ministries of mercy, church planting, evangelism and engagement in matters of cultural concern, pertaining to ethics and religious liberty.