
KidCo exists to glorify God by partnering with parents to make disciples of their kids and to see kids become more like Jesus by providing a safe and fun environment for them to engage with God’s Word.

What to KNow about Kidco

  • Kidco is for Kids from Birth to 5th Grade:

  • KidCo. gathers on Sunday & Wednesday Nights

    Sunday During the 9A Group time (nursey -5th grade)

    Sundays during Worship 10:30A Nursery - kindergarten every Sunday.

    1st-5th grade only on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. Otherwise they are in the Worship service with their families.

    Wednesday Nights @ 6P
    nursey -5th grade

  • When you come on the Campus you will see a two-story buildiing enter the first floor doors and you will be greeted by a team member that will help you out!

  • From our littlest babies up to growing 6th graders, we seek to lay foundational Biblical truth while partnering with parents to help grow children into lasting Disciples of Jesus.

    Through age-specific lessons, activities, and small groups we guide them in building relationships with Jesus and other children as they learn how to connect with God through Jesus Christ.

    We understand that we are part of the process so Kid Co partners with parents to build and invest in children’s lives as they grow and develop into an authentic relationship with Jesus.

We care about the
Kids & Safety

Our Kidco Team volunteers want to come alongside parents and be your biggest cheerleader, greatest support, and trusted guide. We recruit the best volunteers and provide them with the materials and proper training to minister to your child.

Each volunteer undergoes a thorough background check in order to create a safe place for your child. All Servants serve regularly, so your child will see familiar faces each week when they come to church.

They are passionate about building a strong spiritual foundation that leads your child to a relationship with Jesus!

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